Do you want to fucking love your job?

Currently accepting applications for licensed stylists, hairstylists, hairdressers, & barbers with 5+ years experience. We do not currently offer an apprentice program. Pop up artists are always welcome!

  • Our employees have the freedoms of an independent contractor with the support and protections of being a W2 employee.

    Grow your business like a booth renter without the worry and stress of paying booth rent, inventory and taxes!

  • We treat our employees like responsible adults because we believe in mutual respect, accountability, and recognizing that we are all professionals capable of making mature adult decisions.

    All stylists have unlimited time off, vacation days & personal days. No time off requests. No required make-up days. Zero bartering with management or competing with coworkers for days off.

  • Our artists have the freedom to curate a schedule that works best for them, their lifestyle and their circadiam rhythm.

  • All of our stylists use a gratuity free hourly pricing method. This empowers our stylists to charge their worth and it increases transparency & builds trust with our clients.

    Hourly rates & price increases are never determined by level systems, benchmarks or retail goals.

  • We respect the relationship between stylist & client, a principle that should be standard rather than revolutionary in the industry.

    Our stylists maintain direct communication with clients through their own email addresses. Their professional network, community ties, and clientele remain their own, empowering them to transition seamlessly should they decide to explore opportunities beyond WFLYH.

  • Sliding scale commissions are designed to create competition, and we think thats pretty fucking toxic. Every commission based employee of WFLYH is paid 48% commission of service sales.

    An additional benefit: All meetings are paid, in addition to commission earnings, at the current minimum wage rate.

  • Product charges / back bar fees are confusing, borderline unethical and eat away a commission percentages. When we say 48% commission, we actually mean it.

  • WFLYH provides all Soft Tools (such as hair dye, developer, shampoo, conditioner, styling products, foils, towels, capes etc) needed to support your artistry.

    Hard Tools (such as blowdryers, brushes, combs, shears & clippers, etc) due to their personal nature are the responsibility of each employee. We provide a secure location for each stylist to store their tools when they are away from the salon.

  • Want to raise your prices? Fuck yes!

    We work one on one with our artists to help them determine when and how much their price increases should be.

    No retail or prebooking goal posts over here.

  • Working towards buying something awesome or saving for a month long vacation? Our artists can work as much or as little as they want to.

    Your growth is unlimited.

  • Wanna work at two salons at the same time? GASP!

    Wanna try freelancing for yourself or wanna do a side gig? DOUBLE GASP!

    That’s more than okay over here!

    Go live your life, like the incredible adult that you are.

  • Every stylist has different continued educational needs/wants/desires. There is nothing worse than sitting through a class that isn’t something you want to learn, or worse a class that’s so over your head you can’t follow along. While WFLYH occasionally provides in salon education, we empower our stylists to find classes that suit their specific needs and career goals.

    Franky meets with each of her co-stylists one on one every month for business/career mentorship and development.

  • Listen... someday you're going to be so fucking successful that you'll want to blow this popsicle stand.

    We offer coaching and investment opportunites to make your business dreams a reality.